Brush Reels
R&R Products Brush Reels are an exciting concept in greens maintenance to clean sand and other debris left on grass surfaces after top dressing. If left on the turf, this sand and debris can cause dulling and excessive wear on mowing reels and bed knives. However, with the use of R&R Brush Reels, sand and debris are easily swept into conventional grass baskets. R&R Brush Reels are also used to stand turf up before mowing to give a cleaner, more uniform and truer putting surface. Designed with four replaceable brushes mounted in a metal frame, simply replace regular mowing reels with R&R Brush Reels and adjust bedknife to clear the brushes. The height of cut should be set to the top of the grass blades or slightly below. *Remove bedknife for the removal of pine needles.
SUGGESTED USAGE: Verticutting - Dew Removal - Leaf Clean Up - Thatch Prevention Prior to Overseeding - Grooming before Mowing - Removal of Excessive Top Dressing